Yesterday was my birthday! Somebody told me that I had to let the nineteenth birthday pass silently and secretly. If we celebrate it, something unfortunate will happen to us, such as car accident. So, in fear of suffering such a bad thing, I did not initiatively tell anyone that my birthday is on 26, November. I hoped that I can spend this day peacefully and safely. (But, I do not really believe this saying actually)
(They bought many slavors of cake for me. :) )

(Some of the cute ladies of DFLL)
However, there were still many people who remembered my birthday, including my classmates, roommates, friends, and certainly my families. My families and I had a good meal a week advanced. Also, my dear sister wrote me a card for the first time, adding some cash in the envelope, and sent me a mug as my present. My good friends and class mates in senior high send me sweet messages because they are all far way from me. All my boy classmates said, “Happy Birthday!” to me. The other girls, including my roommates and good friends in NCHU, wrote cute cards to me, bought delicious cake to me, and sang the Happy Birthday song to me! I felt quite touched, joyful, and warm in my heart.
Thank for your care and love! I love you, guys!